ABI & Code
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An abstract contract which contains the core logic and storage for the FraxlendPair
The constructor
function is called on deployment
Param | Type | Description |
_configData | bytes | abi.encode(address _asset, address _collateral, address _oracleMultiply, address _oracleDivide, uint256 _oracleNormalization, address _rateContract, bytes memory _rateInitData) |
_immutables | bytes | |
_maxLTV | uint256 | The Maximum Loan-To-Value for a borrower to be considered solvent (1e5 precision) |
_liquidationFee | uint256 | The fee paid to liquidators given as a % of the repayment (1e5 precision) |
_maturityDate | uint256 | The maturityDate date of the Pair |
_penaltyRate | uint256 | The interest rate after maturity date |
_isBorrowerWhitelistActive | bool | Enables borrower whitelist |
_isLenderWhitelistActive | bool | Enables lender whitelist |
The initialize
function is called immediately after deployment
This function can only be called by the deployer
Param | Type | Description |
_name | string | The name of the contract |
_approvedBorrowers | address[] | An array of approved borrower addresses |
_approvedLenders | address[] | An array of approved lender addresses |
_rateInitCallData | bytes | The configuration data for the Rate Calculator contract |
The _totalAssetAvailable
function returns the total balance of Asset Tokens in the contract
Param | Type | Description |
_totalAsset | struct VaultAccount | VaultAccount struct which stores total amount and shares for assets |
_totalBorrow | struct VaultAccount | VaultAccount struct which stores total amount and shares for borrows |
Return | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The balance of Asset Tokens held by contract |
The _isSolvent
function determines if a given borrower is solvent given an exchange rate
Param | Type | Description |
_borrower | address | The borrower address to check |
_exchangeRate | uint256 | The exchange rate, i.e. the amount of collateral to buy 1e18 asset |
Return | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | Whether borrower is solvent |
The _isPastMaturity
function determines if the current block timestamp is past the maturityDate date
Return | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | Whether or not the debt is past maturity |
Checks for solvency AFTER executing contract code
Param | Type | Description |
_borrower | address | The borrower whose solvency we will check |
Checks if msg.sender is an approved Borrower
Checks if msg.sender and _receiver are both an approved Lender
Param | Type | Description |
_receiver | address | An additional receiver address to check |
Ensure function is not called when passed maturity
The AddInterest
event is emitted when interest is accrued by borrowers
Param | Type | Description |
_interestEarned | uint256 | The total interest accrued by all borrowers |
_rate | uint256 | The interest rate used to calculate accrued interest |
_deltaTime | uint256 | The time elapsed since last interest accrual |
_feesAmount | uint256 | The amount of fees paid to protocol |
_feesShare | uint256 | The amount of shares distributed to protocol |
The UpdateRate
event is emitted when the interest rate is updated
Param | Type | Description |
_ratePerSec | uint256 | The old interest rate (per second) |
_deltaTime | uint256 | The time elapsed since last update |
_utilizationRate | uint256 | The utilization of assets in the Pair |
_newRatePerSec | uint256 | The new interest rate (per second) |
The addInterest
function is a public implementation of _addInterest and allows 3rd parties to trigger interest accrual
Return | Type | Description |
_interestEarned | uint256 | The amount of interest accrued by all borrowers |
_feesAmount | uint256 | |
_feesShare | uint256 | |
_newRate | uint64 |
The _addInterest
function is invoked prior to every external function and is used to accrue interest and update interest rate
Can only called once per block
Return | Type | Description |
_interestEarned | uint256 | The amount of interest accrued by all borrowers |
_feesAmount | uint256 | |
_feesShare | uint256 | |
_newRate | uint64 |
The UpdateExchangeRate
event is emitted when the Collateral:Asset exchange rate is updated
Param | Type | Description |
_rate | uint256 | The new rate given as the amount of Collateral Token to buy 1e18 Asset Token |
The updateExchangeRate
function is the external implementation of _updateExchangeRate.
This function is invoked at most once per block as these queries can be expensive
Return | Type | Description |
_exchangeRate | uint256 | The new exchange rate |
The _updateExchangeRate
function retrieves the latest exchange rate. i.e how much collateral to buy 1e18 asset.
This function is invoked at most once per block as these queries can be expensive
Return | Type | Description |
_exchangeRate | uint256 | The new exchange rate |
The _deposit
function is the internal implementation for lending assets
Caller must invoke ERC20.approve
on the Asset Token contract prior to calling function
Param | Type | Description |
_totalAsset | struct VaultAccount | An in memory VaultAccount struct representing the total amounts and shares for the Asset Token |
_amount | uint128 | The amount of Asset Token to be transferred |
_shares | uint128 | The amount of Asset Shares (fTokens) to be minted |
_receiver | address | The address to receive the Asset Shares (fTokens) |
The deposit
function allows a user to Lend Assets by specifying the amount of Asset Tokens to lend
Caller must invoke ERC20.approve
on the Asset Token contract prior to calling function
Param | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 | The amount of Asset Token to transfer to Pair |
_receiver | address | The address to receive the Asset Shares (fTokens) |
Return | Type | Description |
_sharesReceived | uint256 | The number of fTokens received for the deposit |
The mint
function allows a user to Lend assets by specifying the number of Assets Shares (fTokens) to mint
Caller must invoke ERC20.approve
on the Asset Token contract prior to calling function
Param | Type | Description |
_shares | uint256 | The number of Asset Shares (fTokens) that a user wants to mint |
_receiver | address | The address to receive the Asset Shares (fTokens) |
Return | Type | Description |
_amountReceived | uint256 | The amount of Asset Tokens transferred to the Pair |
The _redeem
function is an internal implementation which allows a Lender to pull their Asset Tokens out of the Pair
Caller must invoke ERC20.approve
on the Asset Token contract prior to calling function
Param | Type | Description |
_totalAsset | struct VaultAccount | An in-memory VaultAccount struct which holds the total amount of Asset Tokens and the total number of Asset Shares (fTokens) |
_amountToReturn | uint128 | The number of Asset Tokens to return |
_shares | uint128 | The number of Asset Shares (fTokens) to burn |
_receiver | address | The address to which the Asset Tokens will be transferred |
_owner | address | The owner of the Asset Shares (fTokens) |
The redeem
function allows the caller to redeem their Asset Shares for Asset Tokens
Param | Type | Description |
_shares | uint256 | The number of Asset Shares (fTokens) to burn for Asset Tokens |
_receiver | address | The address to which the Asset Tokens will be transferred |
_owner | address | The owner of the Asset Shares (fTokens) |
Return | Type | Description |
_amountToReturn | uint256 | The amount of Asset Tokens to be transferred |
The withdraw
function allows a user to redeem their Asset Shares for a specified amount of Asset Tokens
Param | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 | The amount of Asset Tokens to be transferred in exchange for burning Asset Shares |
_receiver | address | The address to which the Asset Tokens will be transferred |
_owner | address | The owner of the Asset Shares (fTokens) |
Return | Type | Description |
_shares | uint256 | The number of Asset Shares (fTokens) burned |
The BorrowAsset
event is emitted when a borrower increases their position
Param | Type | Description |
_borrower | address | The borrower whose account was debited |
_receiver | address | The address to which the Asset Tokens were transferred |
_borrowAmount | uint256 | The amount of Asset Tokens transferred |
_sharesAdded | uint256 | The number of Borrow Shares the borrower was debited |
The _borrowAsset
function is the internal implementation for borrowing assets
Param | Type | Description |
_borrowAmount | uint128 | The amount of the Asset Token to borrow |
_receiver | address | The address to receive the Asset Tokens |
Return | Type | Description |
_sharesAdded | uint256 | The amount of borrow shares the msg.sender will be debited |
The borrowAsset
function allows a user to open/increase a borrow position
Borrower must call ERC20.approve
on the Collateral Token contract if applicable
Param | Type | Description |
_borrowAmount | uint256 | The amount of Asset Token to borrow |
_collateralAmount | uint256 | The amount of Collateral Token to transfer to Pair |
_receiver | address | The address which will receive the Asset Tokens |
Return | Type | Description |
_shares | uint256 | The number of borrow Shares the msg.sender will be debited |
The _addCollateral
function is an internal implementation for adding collateral to a borrowers position
Param | Type | Description |
_sender | address | The source of funds for the new collateral |
_collateralAmount | uint256 | The amount of Collateral Token to be transferred |
_borrower | address | The borrower account for which the collateral should be credited |
The addCollateral
function allows the caller to add Collateral Token to a borrowers position
msg.sender must call ERC20.approve() on the Collateral Token contract prior to invocation
Param | Type | Description |
_collateralAmount | uint256 | The amount of Collateral Token to be added to borrower's position |
_borrower | address | The account to be credited |
The RemoveCollateral
event is emitted when collateral is removed from a borrower's position
Param | Type | Description |
_sender | address | The account from which funds are transferred |
_collateralAmount | uint256 | The amount of Collateral Token to be transferred |
_receiver | address | The address to which Collateral Tokens will be transferred |
_borrower | address |
The _removeCollateral
function is the internal implementation for removing collateral from a borrower's position
Param | Type | Description |
_collateralAmount | uint256 | The amount of Collateral Token to remove from the borrower's position |
_receiver | address | The address to receive the Collateral Token transferred |
_borrower | address | The borrower whose account will be debited the Collateral amount |
The removeCollateral
function is used to remove collateral from msg.sender's borrow position
msg.sender must be solvent after invocation or transaction will revert
Param | Type | Description |
_collateralAmount | uint256 | The amount of Collateral Token to transfer |
_receiver | address | The address to receive the transferred funds |
The RepayAsset
event is emitted whenever a debt position is repaid
Param | Type | Description |
_sender | address | The msg.sender of the transaction |
_borrower | address | The borrower whose account will be credited |
_amountToRepay | uint256 | The amount of Asset token to be transferred |
_shares | uint256 | The amount of Borrow Shares which will be debited from the borrower after repayment |
The _repayAsset
function is the internal implementation for repaying a borrow position
The payer must have called ERC20.approve() on the Asset Token contract prior to invocation
Param | Type | Description |
_totalBorrow | struct VaultAccount | An in memory copy of the totalBorrow VaultAccount struct |
_amountToRepay | uint128 | The amount of Asset Token to transfer |
_shares | uint128 | The number of Borrow Shares the sender is repaying |
_payer | address | The address from which funds will be transferred |
_borrower | address | The borrower account which will be credited |
The repayAsset
function allows the caller to pay down the debt for a given borrower.
Caller must first invoke ERC20.approve()
for the Asset Token contract
Param | Type | Description |
_shares | uint256 | The number of Borrow Shares which will be repaid by the call |
_borrower | address | The account for which the debt will be reduced |
Return | Type | Description |
_amountToRepay | uint256 | The amount of Asset Tokens which were transferred in order to repay the Borrow Shares |
The Liquidate
event is emitted when a liquidation occurs
Param | Type | Description |
_borrower | address | The borrower account for which the liquidation occured |
_collateralForLiquidator | uint256 | The amount of Collateral Token transferred to the liquidator |
_shares | uint256 | The number of Borrow Shares the liquidator repaid on behalf of the borrower |
The liquidate
function allows a third party to repay a borrower's debt if they have become insolvent
Caller must invoke ERC20.approve
on the Asset Token contract prior to calling Liquidate()
Param | Type | Description |
_shares | uint256 | The number of Borrow Shares repaid by the liquidator |
_borrower | address | The account for which the repayment is credited and from whom collateral will be taken |
Return | Type | Description |
_collateralForLiquidator | uint256 | The amount of Collateral Token transferred to the liquidator |
The LeveragedPosition
event is emitted when a borrower takes out a new leveraged position
Param | Type | Description |
_borrower | address | The account for which the debt is debited |
_swapperAddress | address | The address of the swapper which conforms the FraxSwap interface |
_borrowAmount | uint256 | The amount of Asset Token to be borrowed to be borrowed |
_borrowShares | uint256 | The number of Borrow Shares the borrower is credited |
_initialCollateralAmount | uint256 | The amount of initial Collateral Tokens supplied by the borrower |
_amountCollateralOut | uint256 | The amount of Collateral Token which was received for the Asset Tokens |
The leveragedPosition
function allows a user to enter a leveraged borrow position with minimal upfront Collateral
Caller must invoke ERC20.approve()
on the Collateral Token contract prior to calling function
Param | Type | Description |
_swapperAddress | address | The address of the whitelisted swapper to use to swap borrowed Asset Tokens for Collateral Tokens |
_borrowAmount | uint256 | The amount of Asset Tokens borrowed |
_initialCollateralAmount | uint256 | The initial amount of Collateral Tokens supplied by the borrower |
_amountCollateralOutMin | uint256 | The minimum amount of Collateral Tokens to be received in exchange for the borrowed Asset Tokens |
_path | address[] | An array containing the addresses of ERC20 tokens to swap. Adheres to UniV2 style path params. |
Return | Type | Description |
_totalCollateralBalance | uint256 | The total amount of Collateral Tokens added to a users account (initial + swap) |
The RepayAssetWithCollateral
event is emitted whenever repayAssetWithCollateral()
is invoked
Param | Type | Description |
_borrower | address | The borrower account for which the repayment is taking place |
_swapperAddress | address | The address of the whitelisted swapper to use for token swaps |
_collateralToSwap | uint256 | The amount of Collateral Token to swap and use for repayment |
_amountAssetOut | uint256 | The amount of Asset Token which was repaid |
_sharesRepaid | uint256 | The number of Borrow Shares which were repaid |
The repayAssetWithCollateral
function allows a borrower to repay their debt using existing collateral in contract
Param | Type | Description |
_swapperAddress | address | The address of the whitelisted swapper to use for token swaps |
_collateralToSwap | uint256 | The amount of Collateral Tokens to swap for Asset Tokens |
_amountAssetOutMin | uint256 | The minimum amount of Asset Tokens to receive during the swap |
_path | address[] | An array containing the addresses of ERC20 tokens to swap. Adheres to UniV2 style path params. |
Return | Type | Description |
_amountAssetOut | uint256 | The amount of Asset Tokens received for the Collateral Tokens, the amount the borrowers account was credited |