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An abstract contract which contains the core logic and storage for the FraxlendPair


constructor(bytes _configData, bytes _immutables, uint256 _maxLTV, uint256 _liquidationFee, uint256 _maturityDate, uint256 _penaltyRate, bool _isBorrowerWhitelistActive, bool _isLenderWhitelistActive) internal

The constructor function is called on deployment


function initialize(string _name, address[] _approvedBorrowers, address[] _approvedLenders, bytes _rateInitCallData) external

The initialize function is called immediately after deployment

This function can only be called by the deployer


function _totalAssetAvailable(struct VaultAccount _totalAsset, struct VaultAccount _totalBorrow) internal pure returns (uint256)

The _totalAssetAvailable function returns the total balance of Asset Tokens in the contract


function _isSolvent(address _borrower, uint256 _exchangeRate) internal view returns (bool)

The _isSolvent function determines if a given borrower is solvent given an exchange rate


function _isPastMaturity() internal view returns (bool)

The _isPastMaturity function determines if the current block timestamp is past the maturityDate date


modifier isSolvent(address _borrower)

Checks for solvency AFTER executing contract code


modifier approvedBorrower()

Checks if msg.sender is an approved Borrower


modifier approvedLender(address _receiver)

Checks if msg.sender and _receiver are both an approved Lender


modifier isNotPastMaturity()

Ensure function is not called when passed maturity


event AddInterest(uint256 _interestEarned, uint256 _rate, uint256 _deltaTime, uint256 _feesAmount, uint256 _feesShare)

The AddInterest event is emitted when interest is accrued by borrowers


event UpdateRate(uint256 _ratePerSec, uint256 _deltaTime, uint256 _utilizationRate, uint256 _newRatePerSec)

The UpdateRate event is emitted when the interest rate is updated


function addInterest() external returns (uint256 _interestEarned, uint256 _feesAmount, uint256 _feesShare, uint64 _newRate)

The addInterest function is a public implementation of _addInterest and allows 3rd parties to trigger interest accrual


function _addInterest() internal returns (uint256 _interestEarned, uint256 _feesAmount, uint256 _feesShare, uint64 _newRate)

The _addInterest function is invoked prior to every external function and is used to accrue interest and update interest rate

Can only called once per block


event UpdateExchangeRate(uint256 _rate)

The UpdateExchangeRate event is emitted when the Collateral:Asset exchange rate is updated


function updateExchangeRate() external returns (uint256 _exchangeRate)

The updateExchangeRate function is the external implementation of _updateExchangeRate.

This function is invoked at most once per block as these queries can be expensive


function _updateExchangeRate() internal returns (uint256 _exchangeRate)

The _updateExchangeRate function retrieves the latest exchange rate. i.e how much collateral to buy 1e18 asset.

This function is invoked at most once per block as these queries can be expensive


function _deposit(struct VaultAccount _totalAsset, uint128 _amount, uint128 _shares, address _receiver) internal

The _deposit function is the internal implementation for lending assets

Caller must invoke ERC20.approve on the Asset Token contract prior to calling function


function deposit(uint256 _amount, address _receiver) external returns (uint256 _sharesReceived)

The deposit function allows a user to Lend Assets by specifying the amount of Asset Tokens to lend

Caller must invoke ERC20.approve on the Asset Token contract prior to calling function


function mint(uint256 _shares, address _receiver) external returns (uint256 _amountReceived)

The mint function allows a user to Lend assets by specifying the number of Assets Shares (fTokens) to mint

Caller must invoke ERC20.approve on the Asset Token contract prior to calling function


function _redeem(struct VaultAccount _totalAsset, uint128 _amountToReturn, uint128 _shares, address _receiver, address _owner) internal

The _redeem function is an internal implementation which allows a Lender to pull their Asset Tokens out of the Pair

Caller must invoke ERC20.approve on the Asset Token contract prior to calling function


function redeem(uint256 _shares, address _receiver, address _owner) external returns (uint256 _amountToReturn)

The redeem function allows the caller to redeem their Asset Shares for Asset Tokens


function withdraw(uint256 _amount, address _receiver, address _owner) external returns (uint256 _shares)

The withdraw function allows a user to redeem their Asset Shares for a specified amount of Asset Tokens


event BorrowAsset(address _borrower, address _receiver, uint256 _borrowAmount, uint256 _sharesAdded)

The BorrowAsset event is emitted when a borrower increases their position


function _borrowAsset(uint128 _borrowAmount, address _receiver) internal returns (uint256 _sharesAdded)

The _borrowAsset function is the internal implementation for borrowing assets


function borrowAsset(uint256 _borrowAmount, uint256 _collateralAmount, address _receiver) external returns (uint256 _shares)

The borrowAsset function allows a user to open/increase a borrow position

Borrower must call ERC20.approve on the Collateral Token contract if applicable


function _addCollateral(address _sender, uint256 _collateralAmount, address _borrower) internal

The _addCollateral function is an internal implementation for adding collateral to a borrowers position


function addCollateral(uint256 _collateralAmount, address _borrower) external

The addCollateral function allows the caller to add Collateral Token to a borrowers position

msg.sender must call ERC20.approve() on the Collateral Token contract prior to invocation


event RemoveCollateral(address _sender, uint256 _collateralAmount, address _receiver, address _borrower)

The RemoveCollateral event is emitted when collateral is removed from a borrower's position


function _removeCollateral(uint256 _collateralAmount, address _receiver, address _borrower) internal

The _removeCollateral function is the internal implementation for removing collateral from a borrower's position


function removeCollateral(uint256 _collateralAmount, address _receiver) external

The removeCollateral function is used to remove collateral from msg.sender's borrow position

msg.sender must be solvent after invocation or transaction will revert


event RepayAsset(address _sender, address _borrower, uint256 _amountToRepay, uint256 _shares)

The RepayAsset event is emitted whenever a debt position is repaid


function _repayAsset(struct VaultAccount _totalBorrow, uint128 _amountToRepay, uint128 _shares, address _payer, address _borrower) internal

The _repayAsset function is the internal implementation for repaying a borrow position

The payer must have called ERC20.approve() on the Asset Token contract prior to invocation


function repayAsset(uint256 _shares, address _borrower) external returns (uint256 _amountToRepay)

The repayAsset function allows the caller to pay down the debt for a given borrower.

Caller must first invoke ERC20.approve() for the Asset Token contract


event Liquidate(address _borrower, uint256 _collateralForLiquidator, uint256 _shares)

The Liquidate event is emitted when a liquidation occurs


function liquidate(uint256 _shares, address _borrower) external returns (uint256 _collateralForLiquidator)

The liquidate function allows a third party to repay a borrower's debt if they have become insolvent

Caller must invoke ERC20.approve on the Asset Token contract prior to calling Liquidate()


event LeveragedPosition(address _borrower, address _swapperAddress, uint256 _borrowAmount, uint256 _borrowShares, uint256 _initialCollateralAmount, uint256 _amountCollateralOut)

The LeveragedPosition event is emitted when a borrower takes out a new leveraged position


function leveragedPosition(address _swapperAddress, uint256 _borrowAmount, uint256 _initialCollateralAmount, uint256 _amountCollateralOutMin, address[] _path) external returns (uint256 _totalCollateralBalance)

The leveragedPosition function allows a user to enter a leveraged borrow position with minimal upfront Collateral

Caller must invoke ERC20.approve() on the Collateral Token contract prior to calling function


event RepayAssetWithCollateral(address _borrower, address _swapperAddress, uint256 _collateralToSwap, uint256 _amountAssetOut, uint256 _sharesRepaid)

The RepayAssetWithCollateral event is emitted whenever repayAssetWithCollateral() is invoked


function repayAssetWithCollateral(address _swapperAddress, uint256 _collateralToSwap, uint256 _amountAssetOutMin, address[] _path) external returns (uint256 _amountAssetOut)

The repayAssetWithCollateral function allows a borrower to repay their debt using existing collateral in contract

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